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Mr. Joseph Sparkes

Mr. Joseph Sparkes
  • Orthopaedics
  • Referral Contact
  • Locations
    • UPMC Kildare Hospital
  • Hip
  • Knee
  • Spine

FRCSI, FRCS (Tr. & Orth.)

Professional Profile

Mr. Joe Sparkes is now treating patients at UPMC Kildare Hospital where he is offering the following procedures and treatments; knee arthroscopy, general day cases (carpal tunnel, dupuytrens, ganglion cyst), nerve decompressions, removal of soft tissue swellings, injections to joints, spinal pain procedures including rhizotomy, epidurals facet and nerve block injections.

Mr. Joe Sparkes attended Trinity College Dublin and following his graduation in medicine, he interned at the old Adelaide Meath Hospitals. He completed his training on the Dublin Region Surgical Scheme and subsequently the Orthopaedic Specialist Registrar Scheme.

Following his FRCS and fellowships, Mr. Sparkes was appointed Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon at Tallaght Hospital, Dublin in October 2003. He has completed a clinical fellowship in Adult Trauma and Lower Limb Reconstruction (Hip and Knee replacement) at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre / University of Toronto and a fellowship in Adult Spine Surgery at Vancouver General hospital/ University of British Columbia, as well as a research fellowship at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer /Weill Medical College/Cornell University New York. He also has an honours degree in Biochemistry from TCD and a diploma in medical management from the IPA/RCSI.

Mr. Sparkes has won several honours during his career including The Meath Hospital Junior and Senior Student Prizes, The Arthur Ball Prize in Surgery (TCD), The University Travelling Scholarship in Surgery (TCD) and he was the inaugural recipient of The Irish-American Breast Cancer Research Fellowship at MSKCC.

Mr. Sparkes clinical areas of interest include hip and knee arthroplasty, surgical and non-surgical management of neck and back pain including spinal injections and rhizotomy. Surgical treatment includes, joint replacement as well as a wide range of general orthopaedics including knee arthroscopy and soft tissue procedures such as carpal tunnel decompression.

Professional Memberships

AO Spine
Medicolegal Society of Ireland