UPMC Institute for Health
Preventive Care and Wellness Solutions for Patients
We understand that living a healthy lifestyle means nurturing your mind and body. At the UPMC Institute for Health, we focus on teaching and encouraging behaviours that have a positive impact on health and wellness. Through a multidisciplinary approach, UPMC provides holistic support to help you live healthier and manage chronic conditions as they present.
Contact the UPMC Institute for Health
UPMC Institute for Health is located at:
Connacht GAA Centre of Excellence
Cloonacurry, Bekan, Claremorris
Co. Mayo
F12 WF21
Our Philosophy
The Institute for Health is a collaborative model for patients and clinicians informed by academic research and models of preventive care developed by UPMC. We focus on three types of prevention or measures that promote general health:
Primordial: Prevention of disease or injury risk factors.
Primary: Modifying existing risk factors to prevent the development of disease or injury.
Secondary: Actions aimed at halting the progression or recurrence of disease or injury through early detection and treatment.
Available Classes
For more information on any of UPMC Institute for Health's classes email: instituteforhealth@upmc.ie.
Oncology Rehabilitation
Being physically active at the onset of a cancer diagnosis may help ease some side effects associated with cancer therapies. This can potentially reduce the probability of disease recurrence. The exercise oncology programme aims to improve patients' health pre- and post-treatment, with the aim of improving quality of life. UPMC experts will work with you to create a tailored programme that may help you avoid complications, heal faster, and maintain your daily function and independence. The programme is overseen by a UPMC general practitioner. Our physiotherapy team offers the programme, which takes place in a supervised environment with specially qualified instructors. Classes run for 12 weeks. We use testing intervals at weeks one, six, and 12 to measure progress.
Osteoarthritis Rehabilitation
Osteoarthritis rehabilitation can often help reduce pain and improve function. Our individualised classes are overseen by a UPMC consultant and designed by our physiotherapy team to highlight the benefits of strength training, aerobic fitness, and flexibility in maintaining healthy joints.
The osteoarthritis class is a six-week course with two classes per week. The process begins with a chartered physiotherapist who will assess your joint and physical fitness. Using an evidence-based approach, we will prescribe an individualised programme to match your abilities. As you progress through the class, level of difficulty may increase as you become stronger. On completion of the course, your chartered physiotherapist will review your progress and discuss options for continuing exercise, whether it be at home or at a UPMC Institute for Health exercise class.
Falls Prevention Programme
UPMC's Falls Prevention Programme consists of classes for people who are living at home and have either experienced a fall or worry that they may fall due to decreased strength or balance. Our Falls Prevention classes use an evidence-based programme that is proven to reduce falls amongst older people living in the community. The classes incorporate strategies to implement positive lifestyle changes to help maintain people's independence.
Our structured programme consists of twelve classes over a six-week period. At the start of the programme, each patient is evaluated for specific risk factors known to contribute to falls and decreased mobility. For admission to the programme, you'll need a referral from a doctor or physiotherapist, based on increased risk due to:
- Age
- History
- Medication changes
- Muscle weakness
- Degenerative joint disease
- Post-arthroscopy
- Osteoporosis
Admittance may also be on the basis of balance screening.
Exwell Medical Exercise Programme
The UPMC Exwell Medical Exercise Programme provides patients with long term illnesses community-based, supervised exercise classes. Participants in the programme may improve their cardiovascular endurance, balance, and strength.
This is a 12-week medical exercise programme focused on patients with chronic illness. We offer programmes through:
- The Watershed, Kilkenny
- SETU Arena (formerly WIT Arena), Waterford
- TUS Thurles, Tipperary
- TUS Moylish, Limerick
- Connacht GAA Centre of Excellence, Mayo
Cardiology Rehabilitation Programme
Cardiac rehabilitation is a crucial part of a patient's treatment plan and may greatly benefit their future health. Exercise rehabilitation often improves a patient's quality of life and may decrease risk factors related to their cardiac event. Our Phase Four Cardiac Rehabilitation Programme is for patients who have completed Phase Three Cardiac Rehabilitation, or who are medically cleared by their consultant cardiologist to participate in the programme.
As part of this programme, patients will attend exercise classes twice a week for up to 12 weeks. The 12-week programme occurs in two, six week blocks. Our programme takes place at UPMC Institute for Health at:
- SETU Arena (formerly WIT Arena), Waterford
- TUS Thurles, Tipperary
- TUS Moylish, Limerick
- Connacht GAA Centre of Excellence, Mayo