Covid-19 Update
COVID-19: What you need to know
At UPMC your health and safety is our utmost priority.
UPMC are compliant with all national and international guidelines to ensure your safety. We continue to remain committed to your care and to keeping our facilities, staff, patients, and all other visitors as safe as possible. UPMC asks all visitors, regardless of vaccination status, to help keep our vulnerable patients and support persons safe by wearing a mask, social distancing, and maintaining hand hygiene.
Preparing to Visit UPMC
Please read the following information:
Hands: On entry to our hospitals, you will be asked to clean your hands. You should clean your hands frequently throughout your visit.
Face: Masks are compulsory. On entry to our hospitals, you will be asked to wear a mask. If you do not have a mask, we will provide you with one. If you are unable to wear a mask for medical reason(s), please talk with a staff member for reasonable accommodations. Wearing a face mask in public helps prevent the spread of COVID-19 — but only if worn properly, covering both your nose and mouth to get the maximum protection for yourself and others.
Space: Keep your distance – 2 metres* where possible. For either outpatient or inpatient services we ask that you attend your appointment unaccompanied if possible, to maintain social distance within our hospitals. Please attend your appointment at the appointed time, if you arrive early, we ask that you wait in your car before entering the hospital.
*A 2-metre distance is approximately 6 foot or the arm span of an average adult.
When to contact your UPMC hospital prior to your appointment:
Please contact us in advance of your appointment and do not attend the hospital if you answer YES to any of the following:
- You are experiencing any signs or symptoms of COVID 19
- You have received a recent positive COVID result
- You have been advised by public health that you are a close contact
- You have a new onset of respiratory symptoms, persistent cough or shortness of breath, and/or a fever?
- You have been out of the country in the past 14 days
If you are having a procedure:
- Minimise contact as much as possible prior to your appointment.
- You will be required to answer a screening questionnaire and you may be required to have a Covid swab taken.
- If you have been vaccinated against COVID 19 please bring your vaccination certificate with you.
Visiting Restrictions:
For the safety of our patients and staff and to lower their likelihood of exposure to any illness, including COVID-19, UPMC is temporarily limiting access to our facilities to only patients, identified and approved support persons, staff, and essential vendors. Exceptions to visiting restrictions will be made in certain circumstances, where a support person is required, these circumstances are at the discretion of the nurse in charge. No child visitors are permitted. Support people must be at least 18 years old.
UPMC Precautionary measures to keep you safe inside our hospitals:
UPMC is monitoring the COVID-19 situation around the clock. We have implemented all national and international recommendations to ensure your safety.
If you are under regular care for a chronic condition, have postponed necessary care, or are urgently ill, talk to your GP and do not delay getting treatment. If you do need to come to one of our UPMC hospitals for treatment, we are taking every measure to keep you safe during this challenging time:
- Masks are required for everyone inside our buildings. UPMC will provide masks to people who do not have them.
- Physical distancing is enforced inside our UPMC hospitals.
- All year long, our housekeeping team cleans and sanitises all high-touch items in public areas at least daily, and those regular cleanings are currently increased in all our facilities. All furniture, door handles, lift buttons, and other high-touch items in our hospitals and outpatient areas are cleaned and sanitised regularly with hospital-grade disinfectant. Additional screens are in place at all reception areas.
- Our staff are trained to recognise patients who may have Covid 19. Prior to some procedures patients will be required to have a Covid PCR swab taken to prevent spread of the virus. There is no additional charge to patients for this.
- Each hospital has a skilled and experienced Infection Prevention team. The team is always working to minimise the possibility of infectious disease spreading.
- We have trained clinical teams who are fully equipped with personal protective equipment (PPE) in order to safely care for patients.
- Although we know the importance of support from family, friends, and loved ones, we are temporarily restricting visitors at all hospitals and facilities to limit the risk of infection. Visitors are not permitted in our hospitals unless they receive special approval. No visitors under age 18 are permitted.
- Our UPMC hospital Restaurants are temporarily restricted to Take Away service ONLY.
Learn More About COVID-19 from UPMC:
General Information:
Visit our Coronavirus webpage: https://www.upmc.com/coronavirus/covid-19
COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions for Parents:
We are committed to Your Safety. Thank you for your cooperation.