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Nurse using hand sanitizer

COVID-19 Update for 2023

20 April 2023 - There has been a reduction in the numbers of cases reported to public health and the ill-effects experienced from COVID-19 have also lessened following the introduction and roll-out of vaccination. However, COVID-19 continues to pose some risk to healthcare staff and patients and therefore, to ensure the safety of both staff and patients some restrictions will remain in place across our hospitals and facilities.

All patients should contact the hospital and not attend their appointment if they:

  • Have signs and symptoms of COVID-19/respiratory illness. 
  • Have had a positive antigen or PCR test in the past 7 days.

Masks for Patients and Visitors

Patients and visitors are no longer required to wear a mask/face covering in our hospitals or facilities. However, to protect yourself from potential respiratory infections, including COVID-19, we would advise the wearing of surgical masks in shared spaces where there are other patients. 

If you are attending our facilities with any minor respiratory symptoms, you must wear a standard surgical mask all the times.

While inside and moving through our hospitals and facilities, please continue to:

  • Physically distance when possible (2 metres).
  • Practice good respiratory hygiene & decontaminate hands using the gels provided.
  • Use the alcohol hand rub provided as you enter the hospital, clinical areas, and on entering and leaving wards.
  • Follow the guidance displayed on posters throughout the hospital.
  • Please ensure your visit takes place in the patients’ room and not in public areas within the hospital.

We encourage you not to visit our hospitals or facilities if:

  • You are experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19, even with a negative antigen test.
  • You have had known contact with a positive COVID-19 case in the past 7 days.

Learn more about COVID-19 from the HSE